Sunday, July 4, 2010

4 july, 2010 anno domini

on july 4, 1826, both thomas jefferson and john adams died. adams famous last words?

"jefferson lives"...or something like that.

what happened 50 years before? the APPROVAL of the declaration. the actual declaration was on the 2nd. but of course no one knows that. and what happened 9 thousand years before that? GOD CREATED THE WORLD. ha, just kidding.

so who was better. the lady would say adams. but lets face it, he didn't really do anything. we all know that jefferson was the boss hog of the fathers. the medellin. adams was the goose to jefferson's maverick (shout out to the lady). sure jefferson went bankrupt three times, but he was the godfather. the suge knight of the founding era death row records. he ran it. mike tyson and michael jordan rolled into one.

so how else should our country honor the civil disobedience that allowed us freedom from taxation without representation. by forgetting it ever happened and blowing stuff up. crack another brew people. lets get hammered.

(don't forget the explosions)

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