Friday, July 13, 2012

Why Batman is going to die in seven days

This is my exceptionally unofficial and non-expert opinion on the matter.

1. Implications in various trailers. Saying things like "there is a storm coming" implying a mass fight, though perhaps not a direct indictment of immanent death, it does pretty obviously mean all hell will break loose, which leads into other portions (the same goes for Bane claiming to be Gothem's reconing). These portions are things like Bane saying "then you have my permission to die" and most importantly, telling Catwoman that he has not given the people of Gothem everything, at least, "not yet."

2. It is pretty much common knowledge that this is the last installment of the Nolan Batman series. Nolan is no stranger to mystery and controversy, in the very least, as seen in Inception. So, it is not that far of a leap to kill off Batman in some awesomely heroic fashion. In fact, it would make sense for this to happen so that the final movie in the series would have a clean break and firmly establish an end to Batman (in this universe at least). If this is the case, it would seem most appropriate for Batman to die while sacrificing himself and killing Bane in the process.

3. Comics are not unfamiliar with death, specifically the death of the lead protagonist. Death of Captain America, Batman, Superman, Robin and generally the whole of the marvel universe in the Onslaught series. Well, thats not entirely true, it was only the Fantastic Four and the Avengers but then they were reborn from the mind of Franklin in a parallel universe and...

4. The Dark Knight Rises seems to follow pretty close to the story line of Knightfall, in which Bane unleashes all the villains from Arkham and fights Batman IN HIS OWN HOME after learning of his true identity, but is ultimately defeated by Bruce's heir and goes through a huge change of heart after kicking the ol' venom habit.

5. Lastly, and most importantly, Bane is the one who broke Batman's back. This means that Bane possesses the ability to get close to Batman, outsmart him and defeat him. There is no venom to hinder him, only apparently a disability and the gas is there to help him cope or something. However, let me reiterate, Bane nearly killed batman in the comics. This, combined with this being the final installment of the trilogy and Nolan needing a way to end the series in the form of absolutes, this would be the most convenient and perfect way to do so.

Thus, Batman has need to die. He has to die.

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