Friday, August 24, 2012

America is going to hell

in a hand basket that is.

Just madness.

Here is proof.

So apparently there is such a thing as an illegitimate rape? Not to mention that his "science" is totally absurd. And here is the best part about the whole thing. He is only on the House Committee on Science, Space and Technology. Yes, you heard it right.

On another note, during my sunday class we discussed/the verse was brought up where Christ states that he has come to bring the sword (Matt. 10:34). I am convinced though that this is metaphor per his statements in previous verses and thus not an advocation of physical violence in any way. Perhaps it is a little thing. But I do not think so because so many people question it or wonder of the motives behind Christ's words.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Lately, I have been pondering, and frankly a bit concerned, with the idea of acting within the perceived confines of morality. Perceived, because this applies to all ostensible morality in both that which I am an advocate for and that which I am opposed to. However, I began to question even my intentions as I was unsure if I was being coerced into a post-millennial ecclesiology. I have been somewhat delving into Christo-anarcho-primitivism and have a continuing love affair with both liberation theologies and non-violent theologies (though I am starting to feel as though we should shift the language to anti-violent, as anti-violent precludes a sense of ambiguity toward violence, one that non-violent does not) and was questioning the validity of the altruism in either, though that is not to say that it is actually there. However, I have come to the conclusion that I am not a closet post-millennialist. I have come to the conclusion that either theology is not attempting to recreate, re-imagine, reestablish or influence the coming of the kingdom of God. Rather, they are trying to very simply establish a orthopraxic ecclesiology that mirrors the life of Christ, not to usher in the return of Christ or to establish a utopia for the sake of perfection manifesting itself in the world but for the sake of following the teachings of Christ, for the sake of doing what is virtuous and right. These are the things we should strive for. Not producing a world void of failure and darkness but living personally and intimately the way that Christ lived. There is a grave distinction that must be made here. One applies to an enforcement upon others and one applies to the personal decision to follow Christ. Let us choose the later.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Children's songs and children's stories

It seems as though we have a huge deficit of national integrity and responsibility as we do not honor that which we instruct our children to accomplish and the moral standard of which we charge them with. We say share, yet we hoard our greed. We are terrorists. We are imperialists. We support colonialism. We refuse to help the downtrodden and mock those who are less than ourselves. America is no more moral than any other country. We won't let ourselves. It is not Christ who is morally bankrupt. It is not the church who is morally bankrupt. It is not America, Conservatives, Liberals, or any state in the Union. I am morally bankrupt.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Language barriers

There are two things that transcend them.
1. Love
2. Art



Thursday, August 2, 2012

sippin that sizzurrrp

Date night was a success!
Went to an awesome pub. They had trivia so that was fun.
We did well. Only two points behind the leader!
And an excellent pear cider.

I am in need of new shoes. For work.
Comfy ones.
